Agency Name Loaves, Fishes & Computers
Categories Technology
Contact Name

Agency Email
Agency Address 939 Main St. Salinas, CA 93901
Agency Phone 831-393-9260
Web Address
Office Hours Tuesdays-Saturdays 11:00 am - 5:00 pm 
Distance from Campus 41 Miles
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement Our hope is to keep seniors, students and the disabled connected to the resources, opportunities and community through technology. We believe that by providing a low-income family or individual with a ready-to-use computer can help them achieve their goals of job search, career advancement, education, or life improvement.
Volunteer Duties Takes old computers and makes them like-new again. This requires replacing drives, software, memory and more. This is one of the most important roles at LFC as it’s what we’re about: getting computers out to the community. No experience is necessary as training is provided for this position. Must go through the refurb training and mentorship program before you can work in the refurb lab.
Notes Updated 5/18/20